Artists & musicians - we need your creativity!
Instructions: Below is our basic audio track which has a simple repeating chord sequence, plus a mid section. It has quite bland and generic drums, bass, piano and guitar guide parts - these won't be used in the final piece. We need your contributions instead! There are six versions of the track available (as mp3's) for you to work from - one with all those guide parts playing, and four which have one of the elements removed. Download the version that will be easiest for you to work with based on your instrument (or vocal). There is also a really plain version that literally just has the basic chords on a keyboard which you may prefer to use if the other guide tracks are distracting. - When you've dowloaded the version you'd like to work with, please load it into your DAW software (GarageBand, Audacity, Ableton, Logic, Cubase etc). The tempo is 110 bpm. Please work at 44.1 KHz sample rate (which most DAW's default to anyway). - Add your part with a microphone, DI or software instrument. If you're using a microphone, please use headphones so we don't hear the guide tracks bleeding in. Try and record in as 'dry' sounding space as possible - keep room ambience to a minimum. - If you're a vocalist, feel free to add melody, lyrics or 'oohs & ah's etc. -If you're a drummer, we understand recording is more of a challenge. If you're set up to record drums at home - that's amazing! - please send each drum microphone on its own track if you have a multi mic setup. It may be more realistic for you to record some percussion or program some beats etc. - When you're happy with what you've added, please send a wav file of the part you've recorded (without the original guide tracks playing) to [email protected]. Please use WeTransfer if the file is too big for email. - All files need to start at beat 1 of bar 1, even if the actual part you've played doesn't begin until later on. Please do not add any effects unless they are a really integral part of an electric guitar sound etc. - Please send a maximum of one file per instrument and no more than two different instruments (or three vocal parts) per contributor. - We will collate, edit, mix and master the contributions. We promise to use at least some of every contribution that is sent, but it might be shortened or moved to make the final result work as well as possible. - Feel free to send photos and footage of you playing. We will endeavour to make a video to go along with the finished piece and will include as much of this material as we can. The audio track will be our initial priority. - The finished piece will be posted on streaming sites and YouTube where every contributor will be credited by name - so make sure we know your name and how you'd like to be referred to! Any problems or questions, give Mike a shout at [email protected] or 01273 569035 Terms and conditions: - The deadline for sending files is Friday 8th May 2020 at 5pm. - The final edit and mix decisions will be made by NBR. -No money will change hands in the creation of this project. Any and all proceeds generated from the final result will be collected by NBR and donated to NHS charities. All contributors will be free to use the track in their own social media/portfolios etc. THE FILES: |